Not only Nintendo stand's locomotive of progressing gaming industry, I will say more - Nintendo, a couple with Microsoft is not ashamed to borrow ideas from Sony.
And so, what the Sony brought on the console market:
1. DVD to consoles. What then took over Nintendo and Microsoft.
2. Vertical position of the console. Also it was taken over Nintendo and Microsoft, without remorse.
3. Two analog stick. Nintendo and Microsoft, too, were quick to steal the idea.
4. Firmware upgrades, first appeared in the PSP have been copied by everyone else.
5. The original management began with the camera AyToy, an idea which has taken over the Microsoft (Natal).
6. Hard drive in consoles. First console with the connector under the hard drive was the PlayStation 2.
7. The first joystick with 2 lower handles became DualShok.
8. USB port first appeared in the PlayStation 2, as an optical output and an Ethernet port.
9. Brought to the PS3 console HDMI and BluRay. You'll see, it will become standard for all next-generation consoles.
10. Ability to watch DVD movies on the console first appeared with the PlayStation 2.
11. The first game console entirely in Russian, became MediEvil 2, publisher Sony.
12. PSPGo first handheld console with anti-glare screen (I assure you from this moment such screens will become standard for portable consoles). A first PSP handheld console with games on disks and analog stick.
13. PlayStation Home first 3D online service.
... list goes on for a long time. Sony really brought a lot. Learn competitors.